Anna Vyaches

Hey Guys! I've created this list in order to simplify the choice of the present in a time of need. Note: some of the books I would like to have in a particular language, that's why titles not all uniform. Also, I would like to remind about an environmental impact that we have and I would be perfectly happy with pre-loved objects, where it makes sense.




  • Montblanc Writers Edition Alexandre Dumas Ballpoint Pen
  • Interesting Montbalc Foutain pen (limited edition)
  • Montblanc Elixir Violet de Cobalt Ink Bottle


  • Da Hong Pao
  • Baihao Yinzhen (from China or Sri Lanka)
  • Any loose leaf green tea as simple es Sencha
  • Chai ka Masala
  • Matcha


  • Random stuff that has nothing to do with me or worse - creates clutter or causes an allergy. No, seriously, better just a "Happy Birthday/Christmas/Holidays" text.

Последнее обновление 28 января 2023.